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The Sacrament of Confirmation
at Blessed Sacrament Church

Our Faith Formation team at Blessed Sacrament is looking forward to sharing this journey of faith

with you as your child prepares to receive the sacrament of Confirmation!

At Blessed Sacrament, candidates typically begin preparing in the fall of Grade 10 ~ and the

Confirmation Mass typically takes place in late fall of Grade 11. The Albany Diocese requires

that candidates must be at least fifteen (15) years old.

The sacrament of Confirmation is the second of the three Sacraments of Initiation through which

a person becomes a full member of the Catholic Church. The other two are Baptism and Eucharist/Communion. Confirmation completes and continues the sacramental grace of baptism.

It is a celebration of the presence of the Holy Spirit with us and a confirming/strengthening of the spiritual gifts given to us at baptism by the Holy Spirit that will help us live the way that Jesus has

taught us. Confirmation candidates are sealed with the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit:


awe and wonder   |   courage   |   understanding   |   wisdom

right judgment   |   reverence   |   knowledge

It is our hope that by the end of the Confirmation program, your child will:

~Develop a more personal faith with the help of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
~Develop a deeper sense of belonging to the Catholic Church
~Develop a more active relationship with Christ through prayer
~Become a more active, visible sign of Christ’s love at home, school, and here at Blessed Sacrament through liturgical ministries, social activities, and special events

We pray that this will be a time of great spiritual growth for you and your family!

Receiving the sacrament of Confirmation is far from the end of your spiritual journey.

It is truly a beginning as you continue your lifelong journey of becoming a disciple!

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