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Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

No matter where you are along your faith journey, Blessed Sacrament Church is here to accompany and support you! Parishes all over the world welcome new Catholics during the Easter Vigil through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), a framework offering prayerful discernment, reflection, and formation that helps introduce them to Catholic beliefs and practices as well as deepen their relationship with God. This period of inquiry has no set timetable as every individual's faith journey is personal and different.


If you are an adult and have never been baptized and wish to become Catholic, or if you would like to share your faith knowledge and experiences as part of our parish's RCIA ministry team, please contact our Faith Formation office. We also offer formation for adults who have been baptized Catholic but have not yet received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation ~ as well as for adults who have been baptized in another Christian community and are seeking full reception into the Catholic Church through the sacraments.


Our RCIA gatherings begin in September, and we meet for an hour in the church immediately after the 9 a.m. Sunday Mass. Blessed Sacrament has an amazing RCIA team. We are sincerely grateful to them for prayerfully and compassionately accompanying individuals along their faith journeys!

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